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Квитки на наступну конференцію Конференція JavaScript fwdays’25 вже у продажі!

Micro-frontends: Scalable and Modular Frontend in Parimatch Tech

Презентація доповіді

How to scale production SPA's during the company growth crysis. Modularisation of FE with module federation and micro-frontends approach.

Kyrylo Aistrakhanov
Parimatch Tech
  • Kyrylo is a Software Engineer with more than seven years of experience in making WEB products
  • JS mentor at Parimatch Tech Academy
  • For the last 2,5 years, he has been working at Parimatch Tech. He led complex architectural projects from scratch in PM
  • Also, he organized internal JS communications and took part in tech talks and digests in the company
  • He is the Engineering Manager of the entire UI scope in the company. He is responsible for managing and supervising new approaches on their Front-Ends
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