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Квитки на наступну конференцію Конференція Highload fwdays'25 вже у продажі!

Unit testing in swift

Видео доклада

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As a developers we always want to push our limits further and produce features quick and with high internal quality. In my team we write a lot of tests, and I want to share some learned lessons with you.

I will show different decomposition technics and testing approaches. I will review and compare several existing libraries for unit tests.

Алексей Демедецкий
Sigma Software
  • Mobile Team Lead в Sigma Software
  • iOS Engineer, Consultant, Mentor
  • Активно принимает участие в качестве спикера на CocoaHeads Kyiv а также докладчик IT talk, TechTalk by Dev-Pro.net, Ciklum Mobile Субботник и iPhoneDevCamp
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