Un-dux Your Front-end
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Redux is the community standard for state- and transaction-management in React applications, but it leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to implementation guidance. As a result, developers are left to cobble together a set of redux-* packages for each new application. What's more, there's little consensus on how to manage complicated, multi-step async transactions — redux-saga is the closest thing to a standard, but it is needlessly abstract and boilerplate-heavy. Further, Redux's preference non-hierarchical data models makes it difficult to scale to large applications, and its design requires splitting application logic in awkward and non-cohesive ways.
Taking inspiration from the Elm language & architecture, I've created an Open Source framework that provides a succinct, elegant API for managing state and side-effects. Its integrated tooling allows developers to iterate with unprecedented speed, and combines hot reloading with networking and time-travel debugging to maintain state across the save/reload cycle, replay requests, snapshot for future replays, and even live-mirror across machines for collaborative development & debugging.

- Lead developer of AngularUI Router
- Has been making software for nearly 23 years, and doing it in JavaScript for over 20
- Has worked with some of the largest companies in the technology industry, and has been responsible for multiple high-adoption Open Source frameworks and libraries, including AngularUI Router