Fwdays community Telegram chat rules

Friends, to make staying and communicating in Fwdays communities as comfortable and pleasant as possible for you and other participants, please follow these simple rules:

1. Be polite. Please do not use foul language when communicating in chats or addressing other members. Respect yourself and your interlocutors.

3. Any publications and announcements of an advertising nature, including announcements of various events, information about vacancies/hiring, etc., should be agreed with the administrators! To do this, send your request to partners@fwdays.com. Messages without agreement will be deleted.

4. The rules of the community prohibit the collection and use of personal data of participants for advertising or other purposes.

5. Fwdays has a clear pro-Ukrainian position regarding the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. Messages justifying aggression on the part of the Russian Federation will be deleted, and the authors will be blocked.

In case of non-compliance with these rules in whole or in part, you may be blocked from Fwdays communities at the decision of the administration.

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