Workshop: SOLID principles in the design of React components

Adding new features to React without rewriting the existing project base
Event is over
Workshop: SOLID principles in the design of React components
Workshop: SOLID principles in the design of React components
Event is over
Event is over
Event is over

Unfortunately, all tickets for this workshop have already been sold.
But you can leave your application in the waiting list and we will contact you first when we open the sale of tickets for Oleksandr Suhak's repeat workshop SOLID principles in the design of React components.

Description of the workshop:

It often happens: you are working on a new feature, there seems to be a ready-made React component, but it does not fit! Well, you have to figure out how it works internally and change it for the new scenario. And now almost everything is ready - but now 2 other features stopped working!

Coach — Olexander Suhak, software engineer at Grammarly, Fwdays speaker and YouTuber, 15 years in the industry.

From the author: in this workshop I will show how you can use SOLID principles to designing and reusing React components without breaking existing functionality. You will also learn how to assemble new features through the composition of existing components without rewriting half of the project's codebase.


  • Acquaintance, intro. Theory: the history of SOLID and features of the React approach, issues of maintainable React code, Q&A (1 hour)
  • SRP: building components that do one thing + Q&A (30 minutes)
  • OCP: We close components for modification and open for expansion + Q&A. (30 minutes)
  • LSP, we make interchangeable components + Q&A. (30 minutes)
  • Break (1 hour)
  • ISP: narrowing down component interfaces + Q&A. (30 minutes)
  • DIP: invert dependencies between components + Q&A. (30 minutes)
  • Summary+Q&A


Date and time: August 12, 10:00 - 15:30, (Kyiv time, GMT+3).

Platform: Zoom

Language of the event and presentation: Ukrainian

Number of participants: 20

Participant Requirements: Developers with experience in React.js

Olexander Suhak, software engineer at Grammarly.

— 15 years in the industry. Worked with various technologies (back and front-ends, JS, TS, .NET) and in various positions (tech lead, software architect, lead developer), lately he has been working a lot with React.JS

Youtube channel


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