Why microservices aren't always a Silver Bullet

  • which is more expensive: monolith vs services
  • about the peculiarities of working in a monolithic and distributed architecture
  • how to understand that the monolith is no longer viable
  • why the service breaks itself: monitoring, testing
  • about the cost of support and potential
  • how to use technology wisely
Oleksandr Gilievyi
Software Architect @ Creatio
  • Software Architect at Creatio.
  • 12+ years in IT
  • 7+ years working with SOA
  • Developer of highly loaded marketing modules
  • Collaborated with Ciklum, GlobalLogic, Terrasoft
  • Has MIM pre-MBA management & leadership certificates
  • Permanent speaker of Fwdays, author of the course Performance testing
  • Linkedin
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