Course: Microservice Architecture

From decomposition to patterns of interaction.

Mentor - Kyrylo Melnychuk, CTO at AlterEGO and Uspacy
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Course: Microservice Architecture
Course: Microservice Architecture
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Event is over
Event is over

In this course, you will go through the whole path of decomposing a system into microservices, learn about patterns and antipatterns, and analyze each step in team-based practical tasks.

Mentor - Kyrylo Melnychuk, CTO at AlterEGO and Uspacy

We will not write the code and implement the architecture, but in practice we will arrive at a ready-made plan for breaking down the monolith with a complete description of the structure of microservices and the interaction between them.

    After passing, you will learn on your own:
  • Decompose the system into microservices, starting from subject areas. We will look at practices like DDD and Event Storming.
  • Embed microservices into the organizational structure of the company.
  • Moving from a monolithic system to a microservice system.
  • Apply patterns of interservice interaction and publishing APIs.
  • Implement microservices testing and deployment patterns.


  • Developers Middle+
  • Business analysts
  • Teamleads
  • Architects


Date and time: October 10 - November 21, classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Duration: 11 classes of ~2 hours (depends on practice). Lecture, Q&A, practice in rooms of 4-5 people. In the final part, we all together analyze the results of each team's work.

Platform: Zoom. We will send you a link to the broadcast on the eve of the course, and it will also be available on this page.

Language of the event and presentation: Ukrainian

The number of participants is limited


  • 10.10, Thursday, 18:30. Basic concepts (comparison of architectures, monolith/SOA/MSA)
  • 15.10, Tuesday, 18:30. Basics of Domain Driven Design (what it is, decomposition rules, patterns)
  • 19.10, Saturday, 11:00. Decomposition into microservices (strategies, dimensions, Event Storming)
  • 10/22, Tuesday. Teams and organizational transformation.
  • 10/24, Thursday, 18:30. API Disclosure and Authentication (API Gateway, BFF, API Composition, Access token)
  • 29.10, Tuesday, 18:30. Microservice structure (patterns, antipatterns, approaches)
  • 02.11, Saturday, 11:00. Interservice interaction (synchronous, asynchronous, RPC, Messaging, Eventual consistency, Outbox, Idempotent Consumer, CQRS, Saga)
  • 05.11, Tuesday, 18:30. Deployment (Service instance per Container, autonomy, CI/CD, Externalized configuration)
  • 07.11, Thursday, 18:30. Testing (unit, integration, contract, component, end-to-end)
  • 19.11, Tuesday, 18:30. Monitoring and support (Health Check API, Application metrics, Log aggregation, Distributed tracing, ownership, isolation, scaling)
  • 21.11, Thursday, 18:30. Strategies for breaking the monolith (patterns, approaches to decomposition, analytics).

Mentor: Kyrylo Melnychuk, CTO at Uspacy and AlterEGO

— 18 years in web development, the last 10 in the positions of architect, technical director, solution architect in highly loaded projects.

— Experienced in implementing microservices since 2018.

— Manages development at the Ukrainian startup Uspacy, where everything is built on microservices.

— Practitioner, speaker of DevOps, technical and architectural conferences.

LinkedIn profile

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