Frontend testing for Wix viewer: case study
Talk video
Talk presentation
The Wix viewer is not a website - it's a platform that runs tens of millions of user websites for years while maintaining backward compatibility. Automatic testing of an environment like that is obviously a challenge. For testing the Wix viewer we've been using several automatic-testing frameworks, reached all of their possible roadblocks, and found insights that help us choose the right testing framework for the right problem.
In the talk, we'll go through the challenges and the frameworks, one by one - node with JSDOM, Karma, puppeteer+JEST, and Selenium - see what problem brought us to try them, where they are strong and where they fall short, and what we use them for today.

Noam Rosenthal
- Frontend architect at Wix, with about 20 years in the field.
- Brings unique background from the world of browser development, as a webkit reviewer and former browser engineer for Nokia.
- Passionate for performance, anything mobile, and keeping the web open.