Ember.js 2 - Future-friendly ambitious apps, that scale!
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Ember.js is being adopted more and more broadly as time passes, and is an excellent choice for highly complex data-driven UIs. With the recent release of the "2.0" version of the framework, things are faster, smarter, and easier than ever. With a focus on productivity and reducing the number of trivial decisions developers must make while building an app, it's astonishing how quickly one can get up and running, and how well the abstractions hold up as the codebase scales in size and complexity.
I'd like to give a general overview of Ember, and pause to reflect on some important differences that may be important when considering what the best tool is for your project.

Michael North
Levanto Financial
- CTO of Levanto Financial, where I work on tools to help people work toward their financial goals.
- Founder of Modern Web UI, a Silicon Valley developer community focused on sharing ideas between framework communities.
- Formerly: UI Architect of Yahoo Ads & Data, where I led development of the company’s ad platform, and over a dozen other related products.
- Instructor on Frontendmasters.com, video courses are soon coming to Pluralsight and O’reilly.
- Speaker and startup advisor, focusing on opinionated web frameworks and modern web development.
- Twitter, GitHub