Inside The AngularJS Directive Compiler
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Directives are Angular's most powerful and unique feature. They are also Angular's most underused feature and notoriously difficult to learn. A lot of this has to do with the convoluted directive API and the various ways in which you can use and misuse it.
However, behind the scenes of the directive API there is a relatively simple core, which takes your web page's DOM and transforms it to a living, breathing JavaScript application. This talk goes behind the scenes of Angular's directive compiler and shows what it actually does. You will come out of the talk with a renewed understanding of Angular's inner mechanics, which will help you use it more effectively.

Tero Parviainen
Software Developer
- An independent software developer, writer of programming books and articles, and an Angular 2 documentation author.
- Tero is the two-time organizer of the Clojure Cup programming competition, and the author of Build Your Own AngularJS
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