Buy tickets for the next conference JavaScript fwdays’25 conference! shopping cart workflow as a microfrontend [rus]

Talk presentation

For a long time the shopping cart was part of a monolith. After migration to SSR there was a need to reuse it and make it a separate application.
In my talk I will tell about the approach to building interaction between frontend applications and show how we applied it to shopping cart.

Danylo Kazymyrov
  • Fullstack Software Engineer at DataArt
  • 3 years of development experience
  • Went to get bread in the JS ecosystem and didn't come back
  • Lift 42 CI pipelines from the chest
  • Spend money on board games instead of psychologists
  • Explain code to two cats instead of a duck
  • Master's degree in Memology, PhD of board games
  • Telegram, LinkedIn
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