Node.js threads for I/O-bound tasks
Talk presentation
In addition to blocking CPU-bound tasks, we can use worker_threads to run asynchronous non-blocking domain logic if our main event loop is already overloaded. Now we have perf_hooks API which can be used to create load balancer to spread load in worker pool to provide the most dense event loop utilization. Mentioned machinery can be encapsulated in a simple abstraction with async/await contract to have a solution competing with goroutines in Go for both convenience and efficiency.

Timur Shemsedinov
Metarhia, Kiev Polytechnic Institute
- Researcher, lecturer, open-source enthusiast, 25 years in IT
- 3rd place in Ukraine by Github followers
- CTO at Salucyber, Chief architect at Metarhia
- Free video lectures > 200
- Metarhia community organizer, speaker at >40 conferences
- Expert in building distributed enterprise applications, systems architecture, cybernetics, system programming, DBMS, production automation, telemetry, network servers and protocols, system analysis