Pet Project for Fun and Profit
Talk presentation
What is a Pet Project? How to choose the right theme? What does the "right" theme mean? How to succeed? How to fail? If you want to get answers to the listed questions or dispute with me - please attend the talk "Pet Project for Fun and Profit". We will discuss time management, common pitfalls, pains, and fun.
The talk will not do the Pet Project for you but might give you some sparkles of inspiration and save you from some failures. PetProject for Fun and Profit might be interesting for beginners or those considering beginning a pet project.

Vitalii Ruban
- Competence Manager at Itera
- Working as a full stack developer (JS, C#) for 8 years
- Has three more or less successful pet projects — starting from the VisualStudio Extension with 30k downloads and ending with a small NPM package with 2k downloads/week
- Author of the React Course for Beginners. Big fan of web performance
- GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter