State management in React apps using the Focal library [Workshop]
Workshop video
Workshop presentation
In this workshop, we will show in practice the difference between the Redux and Focal approaches to state management in a React SPA, highlighting the pros and cons of both approaches. We will also share our experiences with various methods of applying Focal. To give our workshop a more practical flavor, we will take a real app that was written using Redux and rewrite some parts of it using Focal.

Oleksandr Suhak
Senior Software Engineer @ Scalable Capital
- Senior Software Engineer
- More than ten years of software development experience
- Main interests: software design, development productivity, reducing accidental complexity

Ostap Chervak
Software Engineer, Center of Innovations
- 10+ years of paid Software Engineering
- ex Grammarly
- Most like development tooling, monorepos with Bazel, cross-platform and full-stack development, and functional programming with Effect (or fp-ts)
- He dreamt of becoming a sysadmin and administering a local gaming club, but no luck with beard genetic lottery
- Blog, uncomment podcast, GitHub