Node.js Middleware – never again!
Talk video
Talk presentation
Why your application is unstable, memory leaks, and the process crashes often? Why it's difficult for you to find the problem and it takes a long time to debug? Why does take longer and longer and modules are hard to dock? If you guess that there is something wrong with the middleware, but you don't know how to cope without them? We have a solution for you!

Timur Shemsedinov
Metarhia, Kiev Polytechnic Institute
- Researcher, lecturer, open-source enthusiast, 25 years in IT
- 3rd place in Ukraine by Github followers
- CTO at Salucyber, Chief architect at Metarhia
- Free video lectures > 200
- Metarhia community organizer, speaker at >40 conferences
- Expert in building distributed enterprise applications, systems architecture, cybernetics, system programming, DBMS, production automation, telemetry, network servers and protocols, system analysis