Most boring solution
Talk video
5 years ago I was extremely happy to see decorators coming to JavaScript. I was first one pushing my company to use stage-0 proposal and switched technologies like mad: angularjs, react, vue, back to react... I couldn't wait (and actually this didn't happened yet) when I will be able to use Proxy for creating real magic and simplifying my code. Right now I'm resisting new approaches in my current project and even own product. What happened to me and why I feel you should adopt or at least give a chance to the "most boring solution" approach?

Illya Klymov
- For 18 years has been writing on JavaScript, for the fifth year at GitLab
- Maintainer of @vue/test-utils and bootstrap-vue
- Currently developing JavaScript.Січ – Ukrainian-language content project, so that Ukrainian javascript developers will be the best in the world
- Twitter, GitHub, Medium