Фронтенд, бэкенд и фулстек (заходят как-то в бар)
Video dialogue
Ключевые вопросы:
- Нужен ли фронтендеру бэкенд и девопс.
- Шаблонизация на фронте и на бэке.
- Цена усложнения фронтенда.
- Специализация и фулстеки.
- Зона ответственности фронтендера.

Andrey Melikhov
- Senior Backend Developer at Arrival
- Frontend-backend developer, node.js-developer. He started with the development of geophysical equipment, hardware and hardcore on C++, but made it to fintech and JavaScript
- «Веб-стандарты» YouTube channel co-host
- «ОЧП» YouTube channel co-host
- Writes articles on Medium and Habr, a speaker
- Member of the program committee at the«Я люблю фронтенд» conference
- Spends money earned in the frontend on cameras and microphones

Vadim Makeev
Web Standards
- Founder of Web Standards, the first Russian front-end community
- Host and producer of the Web Standards weekly podcast.
- Web Standards Days conference host and organizer. Founder and organizer of pitercss_conf and pitercss_meetup
- Author and producer of HTML Shorts video series and personal blog on YouTube
- Author of Zen Coding (Emmet) idea and Shower presentation engine
- Developer, speaker, DevRel
- Passionate about front-end, typography, design, audio-video production