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Everybody stands back! I know regular expressions

Talk video

Talk presentation

It’s not about button mashing, it’s about declarative programming. You don’t know it yet, but you want to use Regexes, and you want other people around you to use Regexes, too. I’ll tell you how they work, why they are the best thing since higher-order functions, and how to use them right. You’ll love it!

Andrey Listochkin
Viravix / MetaSystems
  • CTO at Viravix / MetaSystems
  • KyivJS, RustFest, RustUkraine organizer
  • Preached Anti-Hype before it was cool
  • Speaks Unicode at 3 am
  • “JavaScript Druid” according to some Go engineers at Dropbox and Google
  • Loves JavaScript, even though Prolog is his all-time favorite
  • Twitter, GitHub
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