About architecture
Video of dialogue
Participants of the dialogue:
- Andrey Melikhov (Yandex.Money), Viktor Turskyi (WebbyLab)
- Moderator - Sergey Frolov (Front-End Technical Lead)

Viktor Turskyi
- Non-Executive Director at WebbyLab
- Ex-Google Senior Software Engineer
- 20+ years of experience in ІТ
- Successfully delivered more than 60 projects (including projects for 5 companies from Fortune 500 list)
- Strong back-end and front-end development background
- Has experience with open source projects and large codebases
- Author of the YouTube channel Віктор Турський про програмування
- LinkedIn, GitHub

Andrey Melikhov
- Senior Backend Developer at Arrival
- Frontend-backend developer, node.js-developer. He started with the development of geophysical equipment, hardware and hardcore on C++, but made it to fintech and JavaScript
- «Веб-стандарты» YouTube channel co-host
- «ОЧП» YouTube channel co-host
- Writes articles on Medium and Habr, a speaker
- Member of the program committee at the«Я люблю фронтенд» conference
- Spends money earned in the frontend on cameras and microphones

Sergey Frolov
Software developer
- Front-End Technical Lead
- Angular Expert
- Speaker
- Founder BeerJS Kyiv / ngKyiv / Zlit