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The Rust language for a high-load network service - a quick start and fast flight [ru]

Talk video

Talk presentation

In this talk, we will talk about the evolution of the development of a high-load network cluster for sending push notifications using technologies from Unix / bash and PHP to asynchronous non-blocking multithreaded connections based on Rust / Tokio. Let's talk about the intricacies of Rust development, language features, pitfalls, and ways to quickly learn and use it for web developers with LAMP skills. Let's also talk about Go, Java, and the reasons for our technological decisions.

The talk will be useful for developers wishing to master the latest and popular Rust programming language, functional programming, Haskell ideas with PHP / Python / JavaScript web development experience.

Alexandr Serbul
  • Supervises the direction of quality control of integration and implementations and AI, actively participates as an architect and developer in the company's projects related to high load and fault tolerance (Bitrix24), advises partners and clients on the architecture of high-load solutions, the effective use of clustering technologies for the company's products in the context modern cloud services (Amazon Web Services, etc.)
  • Expert in BigData, software development, systems analysis and design
  • Regular speaker on conferences and seminars on Internet topics (RIF + CIB, RIW, HighLoad, RIT ++, CodeFest, FailOver Conference, etc.)
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